Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

Enhancing indoor air quality with comprehensive monitoring

Discover how our comprehensive indoor air quality monitoring services address common discomforts linked to Sick Building Syndrome, identifying and mitigating factors like poor ventilation and airborne pollutants for a healthier environment.

About our Indoor Air Quality Monitoring service

Almost everyone occasionally feels unwell because they are suffering from one or more common symptoms of discomfort such as headaches, dry throat or sore eyes. But there are occasions when, for no obvious reasons, people working in particular buildings experience these sorts of symptoms more often than is usual.

The symptoms tend to increase in severity with time spent in the building and improve over time or disappear away from the building. This is often described as Sick Building Syndrome.

A number of factors are believed to lead to SBS including:

  • Poor ventilation‍
  • Biological contaminants (bacteria, fungi & virus)‍
  • Low humidity‍
  • Airborne pollutants, such as dust, carpet fibres or mould spores

Aqua compliance services can offer full indoor air quality assessments & Monitoring including the below range of tests, covering parameters that can lead to poor air quality.

  • Airborne bacterial levels ‍
  • Airborne fungal levels
  • Volatile organic compounds levels‍
  • Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide‍
  • Temperature, humidity‍
  • Dust and particulate levels

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