
We always follow the Approved Code of Practice & Guidance

We follow the Approved Code of Practice (ACoP), BSRIA, British standard guidelines, and any other relevant guidance. Our work is audited at regular intervals to ensure the best service we can deliver is delivered.

Risk Management

Aqua Compliance Services provides legionella risk assessments, annual fire damper testing, indoor air quality monitoring and RPZ valve servicing.

A man writing with a pen.
Water drops on a surface.

Water Treatment

Aqua Compliance Services offers comprehensive closed water system solutions, including pre-commission cleaning for new and existing systems to prevent scale build-up and corrosion.

Water Hygiene

Aqua compliance services offer a range of services designed to keep our client’s and their water systems compliant with all regulatory requirements including those detailed in ACOP L8.

Water level.

Air Hygiene

Aqua Compliance Services ensures air hygiene by cleaning kitchen extracts, ductwork, and AHUs to prevent fire risks, improve airflow, and enhance indoor air quality.

Blue sky with clouds.
Chemicals in blue bottles.

Chemical Supply

Aqua Compliance Services provide an extensive range of products suitable for all manner of water treatment chemical needs.

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Let’s discuss your water hygiene matters