Water Audit: What Businesses Should Anticipate During the Process

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Published on
June 17, 2024

Having a water audit can significantly impact your business's utility expenses and sustainability efforts. It's an in-depth examination of your water usage that spots inefficiencies and overcharging, leading to reduced costs and a more eco-friendly operational footprint.

A water audit is not just a basic review of your bills but a comprehensive assessment that can reshape your approach to water consumption.

A business owner reviewing water meters and conducting a facility walk-through with a water auditor

With a water audit, you'll receive expert analysis of your historical water bills and water consumption patterns, identifying areas where you can make cost-saving adjustments. The process typically involves a careful look at your establishment's water supply and drainage, ensuring that you are not paying more than necessary and that your business is aligned with current water regulations. Not only does this process highlight current expenditure but also projects potential savings, a step that can unveil hidden financial drains within your utility budget.

Expect a non-intrusive yet thorough review of your site that involves minimal disruption to your day-to-day operations. A team of experts will run an audit of water bills and conduct an on-site assessment to ensure accurate analysis. The outcome is an insightful report, laying out clear strategies for cost savings which may include remedies for billing errors, advice for reducing consumption, and recommendations for sustainability improvements.

Understanding Water Audi

When considering a water audit, it’s essential to understand that it is a two-stage process designed to identify opportunities for your business to save water and reduce costs.

Preliminary Desktop Audit

The preliminary audit is your first step towards understanding your business's water consumption. Here, a comprehensive audit of your water bills is performed without the need for a site visit. This approach is about scrutinising past water usage data and costs to detect any discrepancies or overcharges.

  • Analyse Water Bills: You'll provide copies of your water bills for a period—typically the past year—to be assessed for billing accuracy.
  • Identify Potentials for Savings: Water audit services will estimate potential saving opportunities by comparing your water usage against similar businesses.

Site-Based Audit Process

Following the desktop analysis, a site-based audit commences. It involves a physical assessment of your facilities to provide a deeper insight into your water usage.

  • Onsite Assessments: A thorough check of on-site water systems to identify inefficiencies or leaks that may not be evident from the bills alone.
  • Tailored Recommendations: The auditor will then propose customised solutions tailored to your business's specific needs to optimise water consumption and minimise waste.

Outlined above are two structured approaches to ensure that your business water audit serves as an effective tool for water and cost savings.

Components of a Comprehensive Water Audit

A detailed water audit report displayed on a computer screen with charts, graphs, and data tables. A business logo is visible in the corner

In a comprehensive water audit, you'll delve into every aspect of water use within your business to uncover inefficiencies and reduce costs. It's a systematic examination of your water consumer habits and management practices to optimise performance.

Examining Water Supply and Treatment

You will start by evaluating where your water comes from and how it is treated. This ensures that the water supplier is delivering the quality and quantity agreed upon. The examination of water supply includes checking for any unaccounted-for water and understanding the water source's capacity and reliability. When assessing treatment methods, it's crucial to confirm if they're suited for your usage patterns and identify opportunities to reuse or recycle water.

Assessing Water Meters and Billing Accuracy

Accurate water charges hinge on the proper functioning of water meters. Your audit will include a meticulous analysis of the water meters to verify they are correctly calibrated and recording without errors. Alongside, there's the examination of utility bills to ensure you're being charged fairly and in line with your actual consumption. Incorrect billing can be identified, and water management practices can be adjusted to reflect accurate usage patterns, leading to potentially significant cost savings for your business.

Benefits of a Water Audit for Businesses

A business owner sits at a desk, reviewing a water audit report. Charts and graphs show water usage and potential savings. A consultant explains the benefits

When considering a water audit for your business, you're looking at a strategic move that will reveal cost savings and enhance your operational efficiency, while also contributing positively to the environment.

Cost Savings and ROI

Initiating a water audit can lead to significant cost savings. By scrutinising your past water bills, an auditor may uncover overcharging instances or errors. Savings can be substantial when multiplied across months or years, resulting in a robust return on investment (ROI). Additionally, Business Stream highlights the potential of auditing to help save money on your business water account.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency

An audit is a tool that identifies areas where you can streamline water use in everyday operations. It may suggest infrastructure updates or simple behavioural changes that lead to operational efficiency. By cutting down on wasteful practices and implementing more sustainable methods, a water audit keeps your operations lean and more productive.

Environmental and Sustainable Advantages

Implementing the recommendations from a water audit results in essential environmental benefits. Reducing consumption not only cuts costs but directly contributes to water conservation, a crucial element of sustainability. Embracing such sustainable practices bolsters your company's reputation and aligns with broad environmental goals, as an audit breaks down into steps aiming to optimise savings and sustainability for your business.

Strategies for Improved Water Management

In this section, you'll explore concrete steps to better manage your business's water use. These strategies are not only crucial in combatting water scarcity but can also lead to substantial cost savings.

Setting Targets and Identifying Improvements

To kickstart your water management plan, it's essential to establish clear improvement targets. Your initial step is to conduct a business water audit to assess current water use and pinpoint areas for efficiency gains. You should be thorough in this evaluation, considering all aspects of consumption through your infrastructure. Identifying inefficiencies often reveals opportunities for reducing usage and leaks, which can substantially decrease your operational costs.

Implementing Water Saving Devices and Innovations

After setting realistic targets, implement water saving devices to meet your goals. In bathrooms, consider installing low-flow devices for toilets, which can significantly cut water usage. Additionally, integrate smart water management devices that monitor consumption in real time for optimised control. By embedding these innovations within your operational practices, you're not only saving water but also aligning with contemporary expectations of corporate environmental responsibility.

Engaging with Water Audit Experts

When you seek a water audit for your business, engaging with specialist auditors and collaborating with water technology providers are pivotal steps in enhancing water efficiency and cost savings.

Role of Specialist Auditors

Specialist auditors, bring a wealth of knowledge to your water audit process. These experts conduct thorough assessments of your current water usage and identify areas where improvements can be made. Their audit will likely include:

  • Reviewing historical water bills: Examine past bills for overcharges and correct tariff allocations.
  • Inspecting water infrastructure: Ensuring systems are operating efficiently and without leaks.
  • Benchmarking against industry standards: Comparing your water use with comparative data within your sector.

The ultimate goal of the audit is to provide you with a clear pathway to reduce water consumption and costs.

Collaborating with Water Technology Providers

After the completion of a water audit by a business water audit specialist, you may be advised to engage with water technology providers. These collaborations can lead to the implementation of innovative water-saving technologies. For instance, a commercial water audit service provider might suggest:

  • Smart water metering solutions: To closely monitor water usage.
  • Water recycling systems: Reuse of water in processes where possible.
  • Tailored water efficiency strategies: Specifically designed for your business's needs.

By following these recommendations and deploying advanced water technologies, your business can achieve significant water savings and contribute to sustainability goals.

Understanding Your Water Bill

When examining your water bill, it is crucial to understand the various components to manage costs effectively. Your bill is not just a single figure; it's a detailed document that reflects the water usage and the water charges within the billing period.

1. Water Consumption Charges

  • This part of the bill reflects the volume of water you've used. It is measured in cubic metres and is a direct indicator of your water usage.

2. Standing Charges

  • These are fixed costs covering the maintenance of the water network, meter readings, and billing services.

3. Wastewater Services

  • Wastewater charges account for the cost of removing and treating sewage and surface water from your premises.

4. Trade Effluent

  • If your business disposes of waste other than domestic waste into the sewerage system, you'll see charges for trade effluent. This is regulated and often requires pre-treatment before disposal.

5. Water Cost Reduction Opportunities

  • Look for unusual spikes in your usage. High consumption could indicate leaks or inefficiencies that once addressed, can lead to significant water cost reduction.

6. VAT and Other Charges

  • Assess additional costs that may apply, including Value Added Tax (VAT), which can affect the total bill.

By understanding each section of your bill, you can take proactive steps to query any discrepancies and seek out ways to reduce water usage and costs. Regular reviews against your water consumption patterns and benchmarking against similar businesses might highlight areas to improve water efficiency and drive down costs.

Case Studies and Success Stories

In this segment, you will uncover how different commercial sectors are making strides in water efficiency with compelling case studies and real-world success stories. These accounts demonstrate significant accomplishments in water cost savings and resource management.

Commercial Sectors Making a Difference

In the industrial sector, particularly in manufacturing divisions, there's a growing trend of businesses re-evaluating their water usage. A prime example is showcased through the efforts of companies that embrace the guidelines set forth by the OFWAT. Achieving significant reductions in water consumption not only has positive environmental repercussions but also translates to noticeable financial savings.

Innovative Water Efficiency Projects

Success stories in innovative water efficiency projects often involve a blend of advanced technology and employee engagement. Take, for example, facilities that have invested in smart water metering. With real-time data, they've identified inefficiencies and taken corrective action, frequently surpassing their initial goals for conservation.

What’s next?

Once your water usage audit is in order, you’re also going to need to get on top of your water and air compliance/testing so reach out to our team of experts today to discover how Aqua Compliance can become your trusted partner.

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